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The total height of 22.9 meters King Kong Throne Tower

Jing'an King Kong Throne Tower Introduction: Jing'an Jingang Throne Tower is located in the northwest corner of the temple. It is built on the top of Gaotai Pavilion. It has a total height of 63 meters. It has a total of five towers. The central tower is 13 stories. It is surrounded by four eleven small towers. The tower is square. Each floor is engraved with Buddha statues. At the top of each tower, there are towers in the towering pagoda tower, which is dedicated to the four Bodhisattvas, the Five Buddhas and the 108 kilograms of pure gold.

(The distant view is the golden silhouette of the "King Kong Throne Tower")

(King Kong Throne Tower close shot)

(The delicate wind chimes on the pagoda fly)

(the kiss at the ends of the roof of the main hall)

(ridge ridge kiss)
1.Model making

2.Pagoda pedestal relief renovation

3.Spray primer polishing

4.Each tower has a copper-plated gold effect

5.King Kong Throne Tower



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