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City sculpture is "the eyes of the city". From "Guangzhou Sculpture Park" to "Beijing Memorial Sculpture Park for the War of Resistance Against Japan", from "Shanghai Youth Science Popularization Education Base" to "Shenzhen's Splendid China", from "Mascots in front of Banks" to sculpture sketches in parks and communities, city sculptures adorn counties and cities, making the city glow charming day and night. Glory. The city is becoming more and more beautiful, almost beyond recognition. Of course, there are more than one reasons for the city to become beautiful: taller buildings, wider strides, more trees... And the new sculptures in overpass bridges, street gardens and public green spaces are undoubtedly one of the elements of the city's beauty.

The sculpture sketches lined up all the way, appeared in the familiar streets, suddenly brought people an unexpected artistic feeling, which is the charm of urban environmental sculpture. Yes, in recent years, more and more urban sculptures have sprung up, making the increasingly modern city more beautiful and elegant. Many Street parks that used to see only fragmented green leathers and flowers, and residential districts with monotonous environment and lack of ecological aesthetic sense, have appeared many vivid and profound sculpture works. No wonder the county gives people a kind of spiritual strength and artistic enlightenment, whether it is a thought-provoking grand production or a delicate and elegant sketch. People say that public sculpture is "the darkness of the city", through these two bright eyes, we seem to see a more beautiful environment in which we live tomorrow.

Urban sculpture has gone through 50 years since it was dedicated. In the past 50 years, from "monument sculpture", "hero sculpture", "leader sculpture" to today's "regional environmental sculpture", we feel the progress of the times and the vigorous development of sculpture art. In the early days of the founding of New China, the few urban sculptures in China were mostly those of leaders, heroes and workers, peasants and soldiers, with their heads held high and their figures with magnificent characters. The sculpture classics of that era were the workers'group in front of the Labor Protection Exhibition Hall in the 1960s and the peasants' group in front of the China Agricultural Exhibition Hall.

Reform and opening-up have injected vigor into Chinese sculpture art. With the aim of paying attention to ordinary people, gentlemen and sheep and reflecting common people's life, the "urban environmental art" has solemnly ascended the hall of elegance. Urban sculpture art has been endowed with the pluralistic functions of recording the times, beautifying the environment and improving aesthetic taste, which marks the progress of civilization of the times. Step by step. Since then, Chinese sculpture artists have finally gone through the complex of leaders and heroes, ushering in the spring when sculpture art creation blossoms.

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