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Strengthen institutional innovation and use institutional innovation as a guarantee for talents, tal

It has formulated more than 20 systems such as “Human Resources Recruitment Management Measures”, “Employees' Promotion Implementation Rules”, “Administrative Training and Management Measures for On-the-job Employees” and “Management Measures for Employee Performance uation”, and comprehensively rectifies the system in combination with enterprise development. Innovate, using the system as a guarantee for talents, talents, talents, and talents.

Create a talent-retaining environment and maintain the core competitiveness of the company.

Jiangxi Tongqing Metal Crafts Co., Ltd. promotes the strategy of retaining talents by feelings, career, treatment and culture. Such as the regular condolences of the leaders, the establishment of the workers' home, calligraphy photography, cultural and sports competitions, etc., to enhance employees' sense of identity with the company, to retain people with emotions; to help employees design career development plans and put them into practice, so that talents have a career A sense of accomplishment and pride, resulting in a sense of responsibility and belonging to "Enterprises are prosperous, business is humiliating", so as to keep people in business; constantly reform the salary system, implement paid vacations, and promote full participation, We will relieve the worries of talents and ensure that we will retain people with our treatment. We will continue to strengthen our corporate culture and adhere to the management philosophy of "people-oriented" to ensure that we can retain people with culture.

"Hai Na Baichuan, let Xiaolong take off; Qianzhou competes, Ren Qunying fights first."

This talent concept of Jiangxi Tongqing Metal Crafts Co., Ltd. is and will continue to promote the healthy and rapid development of the company.

  • Graphic Designers
  • 5
  • Beijing
  • 2013-03-27
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  • Receptionist
  • 2
  • Beijing
  • 2013-03-27
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  • Sales Manager
  • 10
  • Beijing
  • 2012-11-15
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