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Donglin Buddha - Amitabha

Located in the Shandong Lin Temple, Xingjiang County, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, Donglin Big Buddha: Located in the foothills of the Lushan Mountain in Xingzi County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China. It is the symbol of the birthplace of the Pure Land of Buddhism (Donglin Temple) and the highest Amitabha in China and the world. image. The north is dominated by the main peak of Mount Lu, surrounded by mountains, connected by mountains and rivers, the Amitabha Mandala, the Jingzong Dojo, and the pilgrimage site. It is a pure land of pilgrimage, practice, law, education, charity and security.

The four corners of the Mitai are four Bodhisattvas, namely: the southeast corner - the South without Guanyin Bodhisattva. Southwest corner - there is no big trend in the south to Bodhisattva. The northwest corner - there is no Samantabhadra in the south. Northeast corner - South Manjushri. The four bodhisattva body and tower body are the same as the Buddha statue.

The 48-meter Amitabha takes the bronze statue as the core, and the components include the Pure Land Cultural District, Xindonglin Temple, Bhikkhuni Courtyard, Seclusion Cultural District, Anyang District, Haihuitang, and Dade Jingshe District. The architectural style of the Tang Dynasty is arranged along the central axis, presenting the classical architectural space organization form of the ancient Chinese sacred mountain buildings. The main buildings of the central axis are unfolded in sequence, and the architectural space is open and close, and the ups and downs are ups and downs.

The Buddha statue is located in the middle of the sky. When climbing the ladder, it usually starts from a rainbow bridge. The platform is far away, forming a view of the opening and closing, high and undulating, and a sequence of ritual Buddha worship space, which makes the Amitabha mysterious, compassionate and solemn. Shown in front of the believers.

The Donglin Big Buddha Project has a total investment of about 1 billion yuan and uses 48 kilograms of gold for the Buddha's gold plating. The statue is 48 meters tall and is based on the forty-eight wishes of Amitabha. In addition, the total height of the base of the lotus platform is about 54.36 meters, and the total height of the apex of the flame treasure cover is 81 meters. According to the table of nine hundred and eighty-one, it means that it is difficult to practice Buddha.

In May 2013, the world's tallest Amitabha bronze statue Donglin Buddha was built. In August 2013, the Great Buddha Opening Ceremony was held.

The project is a huge project, affecting the Quartet believers, Daan Master in person to supervise, after several easy drafts, from statues, casting, installation and completion, after four years...

Signing ceremony
On August 25, 2007, the Donglin Dafo Casting Project with a total height of 81 meters was successfully won by our company. This is a giant bronze statue of the Amitabha station.

(The picture shows the signing ceremony site)

Foundry ceremony
On January 10, 2010, the head and face casting work of Donglin Buddha was successfully completed in our company. The head and face of the Buddha statue is the most able to convey the charm of a Buddha statue. The casting process is high, and the religious feelings are shallow and deep, which is clear at a glance. The focus of the Donglin Big Buddha sample is more than 20 times. The focus is on how to make the facial expression of the Buddha image better convey the religious feelings of Amitabha, compassion and wei. Therefore, the company has given a high degree of attention to the overall casting of the head and face, and held a sprinkling and praying ceremony at the casting site. Donglin Temple, the abbot of Da'an, the first Master of Donglin Temple, the Master of Donglin Temple, the Master of the Donglin Temple, the Master of the Temple of Donglin Temple, and the Master of the Body of the Donglin Temple, etc., more than 10 Masters of the Department of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Mr. Zhong Qizhen, deputy director, Mr. Chen Zhenbo, the chairman and general manager of our company, Zhan Wenliang, the chief commander of the Donglin Buddha Construction Command, and nearly 500 people in the Nanchang area attended the ceremony. After the sprinkling ceremony, Daan Master put nearly 4 kg of gold into the smelting furnace. The public sang the Donglin Buddha. In the solemn Buddha's voice, the four boiling copper liquid was smoothly cast into the casting model cavity of the Buddha's head, and the Donglin Buddha's facial casting work was successfully completed.

Departure ceremony

(The ceremony of the ceremony of the Great Buddha Departure Law Conference)

(The monks touched the Buddha's feet and prayed)

(Hundreds of laymen donate to the Buddha)

(September 8th Chairman Chen Zhenbo, at the Donglin Pure Land Court held a formal installation and kick-off ceremony, Jingxiang)
At 6:30 on the morning of August 30, 2010, the ceremony of the Donglin Buddha Statue was held in our company. The Fa Conference was attended by more than 300 people from the first law of the Donglin Temple, the Donglin Temple, and the people from Nanchang and Xinjian counties. Chairman of the company Chen Zhenbo, Donglin Temple Supervisor Daoyuan Master, Donglin Buddha Construction Command Ouyang Xueming Deputy Chief Commander, Director of the Office of the Command Li Hongwei also participated in the Fa Conference.

The departure method will end at 7am. At 7:15 in the morning, the 48-meter Amitabha took the truck with the bronze statue of the front of the Buddha's foot and drove out of the gate to the Jiujiangyu Shandong Linsi Jingtuyuan...

The official installation start-up meeting was held on the following September 8.

The Donglin Buddha is 81 meters high and is a bronze statue of the giant Amitabha station.

In August 2007, our company was honored to undertake the casting of the large Buddha statue. After several years of easy manuscripts, repeated revisions, final drafts, plastic enlargement, casting... After nearly four years, under the care and help of Donglin Temple Passage Elder, Daan Master and all parties, all employees of the company were led by Chairman Chen Zhenbo. Under the concerted efforts, in the spirit of excellence, carefully and meticulously do all the work, strictly control each process, and strive for quality. Finally, at the end of August and early September 2010, the bronze statue entered the field installation stage. And the installation of the Buddha project was completed at the end of 2011. This giant Buddha statue of the world is a perfect example of the perfect combination of copper art and religious culture. The majesty is so solemn, the gas field is grand, and it is integrated with the pure soil of Shandong Lin. Adding a piece of auspicious atmosphere to the Lushan Holy Land, a magnificent light.

(Looking at the Big Buddha - spectacular atmosphere)

(The big Buddha reveals the true feeling after plastic gold)

(Golden body shows true)

2.Making sand

3.Big Buddha face casting site

4.Polishing and refurbishing

5.Departure ceremony

6.Installation site

Previous:Large silver Buddha casting note with a total height of 8.8 meters


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