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"Do not forget the initial heart, keep in mind the mission" theme education mobilization deployment

On September 26, 2019, at 10:00 am in the conference room on the third floor of the company, the "Education of the Heart, Keep in Mind Mission" theme education mobilization meeting was held. The meeting was presided over by the secretary of the branch, Li Hongyuan, and the comrade Wu Yujie read out the "Implementation Plan for the Theme Education of the Changchun Industrial Park", and learned the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he visited Jiangxi. Forget the initial heart, keep in mind the mission "related learning books. The Party branch will use the three-month time in accordance with the deployment of the party committee at the higher level to implement this work! !


Next:"Do not forget the initial heart, keep in mind the mission" - inherit the red gene

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