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"Do not forget the initial heart, keep in mind the mission" - inherit the red gene

On July 27, 2019, the Communist Party of China Jiangxi Tongqing Metal Crafts Co., Ltd. Branch Committee and party members and 16 activists went to Tonggu County, Yichun City, the old revolutionary area to carry out the theme of "not forgetting the original heart, remembering the mission, inheriting the red gene". Party member activities.

In the solemn voice of the national anthem, the prelude of this theme activity was kicked off. All party members, in front of the bronze statue of Chairman Mao Zedong, were vowed by Comrade Wu Yujie, a member of the branch committee, to relive the oath of joining the party. All party members face the bright red party flag and solemnly raise their right hand: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's steel collar, abide by the party's charter, fulfill the party members' obligations, and implement the party's resolutions, and," the voice of the oath is powerful. Exciting. It also encourages and urges all party members to voluntarily practice the pledge of joining the party, always remembering the initial heart and mission, and fulfilling solemn commitments with practical actions. After revisiting the oath of the party, the party branch secretary Li Hongyuan led everyone to visit the Autumn Harvest Uprising Memorial Hall, Mao Zedong Fudi, and remember the revolutionary martyrs throwing their heads, drinking blood, pursuing the truth, and the fearless spirit of going through the fire. It is very difficult for us to realize that the Red Regime is hard to come by. Therefore, all our party members and comrades must cherish the current good life. Comrades of party members unanimously believe that we must not forget the original mission, inherit the red genes, and inherit the ideals and beliefs of the older generation and the fine traditions from generation to generation. As a member of Tongqing Company, we must be dedicated and dedicated, work diligently, study hard, give full play to our ingenuity, and contribute to the company's development and strength! !


Previous:"Do not forget the initial heart, keep in mind the mission" theme education mobilization deployment

Next:On 2018.1.5, the party branch of the company organized a party member to visit the Nanchang Liberal

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