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The Party’s 19th National Spiritual Presentation Conference will be held by Toqine Company.

At 2:30 pm on January 10, 2018, the party's 19th National Spiritual Presentation Conference was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of the company. The meeting was presided over by Li Hongyuan, secretary of the branch of the company. Minister Zeng Xianfeng and Vice Minister Fang Shirong of the Changchun Industrial Park Party Committee visited the conference, and the party school of the newly-built district party, Hu Wei, gave lectures, party members of Tongqing Company, party activists, some middle-level cadres, etc. More than 40 people participated.

From the five aspects of historical new changes, historical new orientation, historical new mission, new ideas of the times, and planning new journeys, Mr. Hu Wei has a profound interpretation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress. The venue is well-ordered. They listen carefully, carefully remember, and think deeply. . The participants agreed that through the interpretation of Hu Wei's teacher, they broadened their horizons and invigorated their spirits. They determined to be dedicated to the work of the 19th National Congress, work hard, work hard, and contribute to the company's development and growth. A force.

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