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On 2018.1.5, the party branch of the company organized a party member to visit the Nanchang Liberal

"Do not forget the initial heart, remember the mission!" In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important series of speeches of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping, earnestly do a good job in "two studies and one work" and further strengthen the party's work style and clean government building and party spirit.

On the afternoon of January 5, 2018, more than 15 party members of the Party branch organized a delegation to the Nanchang Liberal Party School and the Nanchang Party Constitution Education Center. They collectively participated in party constitution learning, revisited the pledge of joining the party, further strengthened their ideals and convictions, and kept in mind the mission of responsibility.

Under the guidance of the lecturers, we walked, watched, listened carefully, and seriously thought about it. Before a video board, a video of an educational video, all the members of the party, through text, data, pictures, sounds, images, sculptures, etc. A further understanding of the party's organizational structure, party discipline, party members' rights and obligations. Finally, we came to the swearing-in hall, faced the party flag, raised our right hand, solemnly sworn, and expressed our determination to fight for the cause of the party for life.

All party members unanimously believe that in the party building work in 2018, it is necessary to integrate study, visit and investigation into the "three sessions and one lesson", and implement the Xi'an-style socialist ideological work with Chinese characteristics in the new era. In my work, I am dedicated to the company, contributing to the company's growth and development, and dedicating our talents.

Previous:"Do not forget the initial heart, keep in mind the mission" - inherit the red gene

Next:The Party’s 19th National Spiritual Presentation Conference will be held by Toqine Company.

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