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Maritime Silk Road

In order to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the strategic conception of the big economic development led by the “Belt and Road” has already sounded! Among them, the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" will reproduce the glory of the former Maritime Silk Road. In late March 2016, the Central Academy of Fine Arts created and designed, and together with our company, the large-scale scene group sculptures installed in Quanzhou were settled in Quanzhou “Maritime Silk Road Art Park·Asian Garden”. As the only "starting point of the Maritime Silk Road" recognized by the United Nations, Quanzhou is an important foreign trade port in ancient China. It became one of the "world's largest ports" during the Song and Yuan Dynasties and was known as the "first port of the East". Today, Quanzhou Port has a history of more than 1,500 years and is one of the famous ports of overseas transportation in ancient China. The history of Quanzhou is a history of ports and a history of maritime trade.

The large-scale scene business group sculpture is made of white copper and is precision casted by lost wax method. It has gone through more than a dozen processes. A total of more than 100 characters (all about 2 meters high) and various props components, large-scale, various shapes, colorful, lifelike, all kinds of utensils, vividly reproduce the prosperity of China's ancient sea trade, unique The exotic atmosphere has come to the fore... The maritime trade has been in ancient China for a long time, sprouting in the Qin and Han Dynasties, developing with the Tang and Song Dynasties, and especially the fleet led by Zheng He in the Ming Dynasty is the most prosperous. It is the most important one in China's ancient sea trade. As a historical review and cultural heritage, the group sculpture also demonstrates the important role of revitalizing the 21st century sea silk road! (The picture shows the group of carved clay and white copper casting finished parts)

1.Plastic molding


2.Making wax type

3.Renovation, coloring

4.Installation site

Previous:Jianjun Sculpture Square


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