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Jianjun Sculpture Square

To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, we will review the history of the heroic struggle of the Chinese people for the independence and liberation of the nation; and look forward to the strong military dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era! Created by Sun Wei, director of the Institute of Sculpture and Art Creation of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and hand in hand with our company to create another red classic casting - Nanchang Jianjunguang Sculpture Stadium (located in Honggutan Phoenix Island Civic Park). In the artistic expression of realistic sculpture, the glorious history of the birth of the Nanchang Uprising and the People's Army was inscribed.
Jianjun Sculpture Square adopts the "3+6" framework. On the east and west axes, there are three sculptures, "Niuxing Collection", "Shui Shi Duo Jiang" and "Junqi Rising". The north and south are "Xinghuo Yuanyuan", "Anti-Japanese War Pioneer", Six sculptures of Liberation of the Country, "The Great Wall of Iron and Steel", "The Road to the Soldiers" and "Strong Army". The overall form of the square is an oval of approximately 5982.9 square meters. The main sculpture of the center stands on the concentric circle, raising the topography through the concentric steps to enhance the grandeur. There are a total of eight group sculptures and one main sculpture in the entire square, meaning “August 1st”; the concentric circle has 19 steps and the height is 2 meters, meaning “1927”.

In order to better express the status and significance of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising from the sculptural form, it is finally determined to express through three elements. The first is to raise the banner of the reactionary reactionaries, so the theme sculpture flag rises; the second is to fire the first shot against the reactionaries, the people's army will start from here; the third is to blow the march. The horn stands for courage and encouragement.

All sculptures are made at 1.27 times the proportion of real people, about 2.3 meters high. The sculpture has a total of 96 people, 3 sailing boats, 2 horses, and more than 1,000 pieces of artillery and guns. The use of bronze as a material, precision casting using lost wax method, after more than a dozen processes "refining baptism", can be described as fine workmanship, ingenuity. The five-pointed star gate of the cattle line is 8.1 meters high, and it is made of fine stainless steel forging and color spraying.

"The 90th anniversary of the founding of the military has more than 5,000 details. Every piece of equipment, every gun, every garment, every expression, vivid and vivid, conveys the spirit of revolution and will." We sincerely thank the sculptors. Careful creation and hard work!

Wax type


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